Greys Anatomy S07 DVDRip XviD

“Grey’s Anatomy” is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in Seattle, as they struggle to complete their medical training and maintain personal lives. The DVDRip PACK of the complete 23-episode season 7 was released by group REWARD. Season 8 will start this month.

Let the healing begin. Primetime television’s most beloved doctors return for an unprecedented season of emotional twists and turns. Relive every mesmerizing moment with ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Seventh Season. It’s a year of new beginnings for the medical team of Seattle Grace Hospital as they slowly recover from the tragedy that hit too close to home. New relationships emerge and the strongest commitments are tested in this moving 6-disc set. From successes in the operating room to mistakes in the bedroom and all the thrilling drama in between the doctors find a way to survive as long as they lean on one another. Relive every heartbeat and get even more including the extended version of the moving Musical Event and music videos featuring the doctors like you have never seen them before.


Greys.Anatomy.S07.DVDRip.XviD XviD | MP3 | 8.09GB


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